Ministry of Municipality, Qatar provides recyclable materials free of cost to boost circular economy

Ministry of Municipality, Qatar provides recyclable materials free of cost to boost circular economy

Doha, Qatar: The Ministry of Municipality (MoM) is providing recyclable materials free of cost to recycling factories operating in Qatar to enhance recycling practice and promote sustainability and circular economy, according to an official.

“This is one of the initiatives of the ministry aimed at making economic benefits and cutting the carbon footprint to meet the goals of Qatar National Vision 2030,” said Assistant Director of the Waste Recycling and Treatment Department at the Ministry of Municipality Hassan Al Nasr.

Speaking to Qatar TV recently, he said the country attaches great importance to recycling.

“The Waste Management Centre run by the department treats 2,300 tonnes wastes daily. The centre segregates wastes for recyclable materials, and converts the remaining into fertilisers and green energy (electricity),” said Al Nasr.

He said that the recyclable materials of the centre are transferred to recycling factories operating in Al Afjah for Recycling Industries.

“The factories are recycling almost all types of recyclable wastes including electronics, batteries, cables, plastics, and papers among others,” said Al Nasr. He said that Waste Recycling and Treatment Department provides recyclable materials to recycling factories in Al Afjah free of cost such as plastics, tyres and papers.

“There are dedicated factories for recycling chemical materials, oil and