Qatar National Bank wins 3 awards for sustainability from Global Finance

Qatar National Bank wins 3 awards for sustainability from Global Finance


Qatar National Bank (QNB) Group, the largest financial institution in the Middle East and Africa, has received three prestigious awards from Global Finance as part of the Sustainable Finance Awards 2023 ceremony held in London.

QNB’s excellence was marked through the recognition of its “Outstanding Leadership in Green Bonds across the Middle East”, “Outstanding Leadership in Sustainable Project Finance across the Middle East”, and being the “Best Bank for Sustainable Finance in Qatar”.

Being the third consecutive year that QNB has been recognized through these awards, it brings the Group to a total of 9 Global Finance and Sustainable Finance Awards to date.

Complemented by the Bank’s recently published, market-leading Sustainable Finance and Product Framework (SFPF), the awards are a clear recognition of the Group’s commitment towards enhancing its sustainability agenda and amplifying the Group’s effort in raising awareness in the community to highlight its sustainability initiatives.

The Group’s continued execution of its sustainability framework has resulted in leading Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ratings in the region from international rating agencies. This is a testament to QNB’s purpose to promote prosperity and sustainable growth across the markets it serves.

The Global Finance Sustainable Finance Awards were set to illuminate global, regional and