Aman Financial Services aiming to enter Saudi market this year

Aman Financial Services aiming to enter Saudi market this year

Egypt - Aman Group aims to enter the Saudi market before the end of 2022 and is currently negotiating with a number of investors to set up a partnership.

Mohamed Wahby, CEO of Aman Digital Payments — one of Aman’s financial services companies — said that the company is currently conducting advanced negotiations with a strategic partner in the Saudi market to start the company’s operations there as part of an expansion plan.

He also told Daily News Egypt in an interview that there is currently a promising opportunity in the Saudi market related to the consumer finance market, which is why the company has begun to take some actual steps to pursue it.

This is in addition to conducting a comprehensive study on the possibility of providing other services related to fintech activity. He explained that this study will take some time to finalise to ascertain the opportunities available in Saudi Arabia.

Furthermore, he stated that the reason behind choosing Saudi Arabia for expansion is related to the similarity of the Egyptian and Saudi markets, the size of the Saudi market, the opportunities available in it, as well as Saudi customs, language, and culture, along with the remarkable openness to foreign companies being