Hotdesk eyes expansion into Saudi Arabia

Hotdesk eyes expansion into Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia - Hotdesk, the global on-demand workspace booking platform, that provides instant access to co-working spaces at the click of a button, plans to expand into Saudi Arabia, following an outstanding year of growth.

Set up in Dubai, Hotdesk has already built a strong market share in the UAE and Egypt, following a year of tremendous growth, which saw the company grow from 15 bookings in its first month to over 10,000+ monthly bookings in less than 12 months since its inception.

Additionally, building on a stellar year, Hotdesk secured seed funding back in February 2021 from Zayani Venture Capital (ZVC) - the tech and venture capital arm of Bahraini AlZayani Investments, one of the region’s largest conglomerates.

Co-working spaces

Fuelling the company’s growth ambitions and enabling it to rapidly scale at pace, Hotdesk has this year on-boarded co-working spaces in over 40 countries and more than 820 cities worldwide.

With more than 10,000 monthly bookings in its key markets, Hotdesk now runs a growing operation that aims to deliver the work 3.0 model. Ambitions are such that Hotdesk aspires to become the region’s first ‘decacorn’ (valued at over $10 billion), with the company focused on getting the right investors and partners on board