How Comedian Ken Garr Traded It All For Stand Up

How Comedian Ken Garr Traded It All For Stand Up

Comedian Ken Garr has finally seen his grind from both the Chicago and LA comedy scenes pay off with his first big special American Hero recently hitting Amazon AMZN Prime and YouTube. Although every comic takes a big risk pursuing stand up, Garr gave up a life many wouldn't have to chase his dream of being a full-time comic. Ken was making good use of his finance degree from the University of Iowa. In his mid-30s, he found himself working as a managing director in sales with a major stock exchange's Chicago office, pulling in a salary close to $200, 000. "It was like the dream job. I was meeting with the CEO and CFO of Fortune 500 companies. I would call the secretary of the CEO, and they would patch me through right away," Garr, who recently returned from playing the Middle East and becoming the first american comedian to perform publicly in Saudi Arabia in 3 years, told me of his previous gig. "I was keeping them [up to speed] on things that were happening in the market and things that were going on with their stock. I helped them to essentially draw investors to their companies, help