‎Saudi Arabia, China stress importance of joint cooperation in all fields

‎Saudi Arabia, China stress importance of joint cooperation in all fields

Saudi Arabia and China released a joint statement today, Dec. 9 after President Xi Jinping’s visit to Riyadh.

The two countries also agreed to enhance cooperation in peaceful uses of nuclear power, according to the same statement, released following a meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping, Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh.

The two countries signed several agreements and memorandums of understanding in various fields including green energy, green hydrogen, photovoltaic energy, information technology and cloud services.

Further, 12 agreements and MoUs for cooperation in the fields of hydrogen energy, the judiciary field, Chinese language education, housing, direct investment, radio and television, digital economy, economic development, standardization, news coverage, tax administration, and anti-corruption.

Nine agreements and MoUs were also inked between the government and private sectors, and the signing of 25 agreements between private sector companies in the two countries.

Saudi Arabia and China stressed the importance of enhancing cooperation through high-level Saudi-Chinese Joint Committees and strengthening communication between the government and private sectors in the two countries to discuss economic, trade and investment opportunities in a way that would translate them into tangible partnerships.

The two sides also agreed to explore the common investment opportunities in petrochemicals sector,