Saudi Arabia expands partnership with World Economic Forum’s UpLink platform

Saudi Arabia expands partnership with World Economic Forum’s UpLink platform

Davos-Switzerland – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) innovation platform UpLink today signed two agreements to catalyze innovative global solutions to today’s most pressing environmental and sustainability challenges.

Signed on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2024 in Davos, Switzerland, by His Excellency Faisal F. Alibrahim, Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Economy and Planning and Børge Brende, President of the World Economic Forum, the agreements focus on ‘Catalyzing Innovation for an Ocean Positive Economy’ and ‘Catalyzing Innovation for a Positive Circular Carbon Economy (CCE).’

The two agreements aim to foster innovation ecosystems around early-stage impact entrepreneurs to stimulate investments and support for breakthrough solutions that address critical sustainable development challenges including ocean degradation, biodiversity loss, and the circular carbon economy.

The initiative is spearheaded by the Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP), in partnership with the Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture (MEWA), the Saudi Green Initiative (SGI) and the WAVE Initiative under FII.

Commenting on the signing of the new agreements at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2024, His Excellency Alibrahim said, “Saudi Arabia is determined to meet this moment of deepening climate and sustainable development challenges with responsible environmental stewardship, and