Saudi Arabia, India to strengthen economic partnership, boost joint investment

Saudi Arabia, India to strengthen economic partnership, boost joint investment

RIYADH — Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan received India’s Minister of External Affairs Dr. S. Jaishankar at the Ministry headquarters here on Sunday.

During the meeting, they reviewed the historic and strong relations between the two friendly countries and peoples. The ministers discussed aspects of further enhancing joint work and bilateral coordination in regional and international issues of common interest. Their talks figured on all aspects that would enhance international peace and security.

The reception was attended by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Political Affairs and former Saudi Ambassador to India Dr. Saud Al-Sati, and Saudi Ambassador to India Saleh Al-Hussaini.

Prince Faisal bin Farhan and Jaishankar also co-chaired the ministerial meeting of the Political, Security, Social, and Cultural Committee (PSSC) of the Saudi-Indian Strategic Partnership Council.

The deliberations at the meeting focused on further consolidating the economic partnership between the two friendly countries in light of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 and boosting of investment between the two countries. The meeting reviewed the outcome of the meetings of the subcommittees. The two sides discussed ways to enhance bilateral relations in the fields of politics, security, and cultural and social affairs.

At the end of the meeting, Prince Faisal and Jaishankar signed the minutes