Saudi Arabia’s 2023 economic outlook (7 charts by Strategic Gears)

Saudi Arabia’s 2023 economic outlook (7 charts by Strategic Gears)

Strategic Gears has released its 2023 economic outlook for Saudi Arabia, with its report providing in-depth insight into the state of the Kingdom’s economy across key aspects such as monetary, fiscal and labour market, as well as progress expected to be realised in the coming twelve months – as part of the government’s Vision 2030 strategy.

A round-up of the report’s key findings and predictions in seven charts:

On the back several crises, including a cost of living crisis, the Russia-Ukraine war, geopolitical conflict and more, the outlook for the global economy in 2023 has dampened, with growth across the board expected to slow to 2.7%. However, many of the world’s top economic markets are expected to fall into a recession.