Saudi Crown Prince launches new strategy of KAUST

Saudi Crown Prince launches new strategy of KAUST

Saudi Arabia - Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Salman, who’s also the chairman of KAUST Board of Trustees, launched on Sunday the new strategy of the University.

The strategy aims to transform research into economically productive innovations by focusing on the national priorities for research, development, and innovation: Health and Wellness, Sustainable Environment and Essential Needs, Energy and Industrial Leadership, and Economies of the Future. Additionally, the strategy aims to strengthen KAUST’s partnerships with both the public and private sectors, which will contribute to achieving the objectives of Vision 2030.

The Crown Prince said: “Since the foundation of KAUST, it has distinguished itself with its research, innovations, and faculty, to become one of the leading research universities in the world. The new strategy builds on KAUST’s scientific and academic achievements and represents a new era for the University to become a beacon of knowledge and a source of inspiration and innovation in line with Vision 2030 aspirations for the betterment of the Kingdom and the world.”

The new strategy focuses on increasing the likelihood of turning research into economically beneficial innovations. This ambition will be achieved through three major initiatives: the launch of the National Transformation Institute for Applied Research (NTI)