Saudi Economic and Development Securities Company (SEDCO Capital) Announces the Occurrence of Specific Event to SEDCO Capital REIT Fund

Saudi Economic and Development Securities Company (SEDCO Capital) Announces the Occurrence of Specific Event to SEDCO Capital REIT Fund

Signing a memorandum of understanding to purchase an educational complex property (“the property”) in the United Arab Emirates, according to the following details: • It is developed and income-generating asset in Dubai, with a total land area estimated at 36,692 sqm and a total building area estimated at 18,250 sqm. • The asset is an educational complex leased under a long-term, single-tenant contract, net of all operating expenses and the operator is classified as having experience in the field of education in the region. • The acquisition value amounts to AED 160,500,000 (excluding any fees related to the acquisition). • Note that if the deal is completed, it will be financed through the cash available in the fund and the facilities granted to the fund. • The agreement is conditional on completing the legal and technical due diligence, within a 30-business-day period from the date of signing the agreement. The Fund Manager will disclose any developments in this regard in due course.

Saudi Economic and Development Securities Company (SEDCO Capital) Announces the