Saudi Enaya Insurance Company (Enaya) Announces the Specification of the Period for Right Issues Trading and New Shares Subscription

Saudi Enaya Insurance Company (Enaya) Announces the Specification of the Period for Right Issues Trading and New Shares Subscription

|Element List||Explanation|

|Introduction||Saudi Enaya Insurance Company announces the specification of the period for rights issue trading and new shares subscription.|

|Right Issuses and New Shares Subscription Period Start Date||2022-11-10 Corresponding to 1444-04-16|

|Right Issues Trading Period End Date||2022-11-17 Corresponding to 1444-04-23|

|New Shares Subscription Period End Date||2022-11-22 Corresponding to 1444-04-28|

|Trading Right Issues and Subscription to New Shares||Holders of right Issues are allowed to exercise their right to subscribe in new shares (in full or in part) up to the number of right issues available in their portfolios, trading in right issues and subscription to new shares for registered shareholders and new investors shall be as per the prospectus|

|Details on Remaining Offering||With regard to the details of the remaining offering, the company would like to alert the investors that in the event that shares remain unsubscribed, those remaining shares and fractional shares (if any) will be offered to institutional investors according to what is mentioned in the prospectus, as will the Financial Advisor and Underwriter for the Offering "Al Wasatah Al Maliah Company (WASATAH CAPITAL)" shall undertake to underwrite the rights issue of Saudi Enaya Insurance Company in the event that the entire subscription is not fully covered.|

|Notification for Investors not Willing to Subscribe||Attention of