Saudi Green Initiative celebrates World Reef Day

Saudi Green Initiative celebrates World Reef Day

RIYADH: The Saudi Green Initiative is celebrating World Reef Day by recognizing initiatives taking place to protect and regenerate the Kingdom’s stunning ocean habitats.

The annual World Reef Day on June 1 raises awareness about the importance of coral reefs and the urgent need to protect them.

The SGI was launched in 2021 under the patronage of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to help protect the planet and combat climate change with three targets: Reducing harmful emissions, foresting and protecting land and sea.

Under the SGI, Saudi Arabia has committed to protecting 30 percent of its land and marine area and is working with international groups such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature to safeguard and restore the natural ecosystems and pristine landscapes of the Kingdom.

“The SGI is highlighting Saudi Arabia’s commitment to national environmental conservation with a month of activity to raise awareness around the Kingdom’s conservation efforts,” a statement from the initiative said.

It said that Saudi Arabia is rich in marine life, and that the Red Sea is home to one of the longest continuous living reefs on earth. Its corals are uniquely resilient and can survive rises in water temperature that would bleach