World Fintech Show witnesses dynamic partnerships & launches

World Fintech Show witnesses dynamic partnerships & launches

After two thrillingly eventful days, World Fintech Show concluded with a significant breakthrough in the Saudi Arabian Fintech market.

The event focused heavily on exposing the potential of Saudi Arabia’s fintech sector. World Fintech Show helped in establishing strategic alliances aimed at transforming the financial services industry for the foreseeable future.

Some of the biggest names and most brilliant minds in the fintech and financial services attended Trescon’s World Fintech Show held at the InterContinental in Riyadh.

This event was organized by Performance Ryada Events and managed by the global business events and consulting firm, Trescon.

World Fintech Show, which is renowned for its insightful panel discussions, featured discussions on topics like ‘Open Banking today to Open Finance tomorrow,’ ‘Moving towards a cashless society,’ ‘Regulatory compliance with FinTech legislation,’ ‘Leveraging Big data, AI & Machine Learning across Fintech’ and ‘Tackle real-world industry challenges to build a Fintech start-up with a viable business model.’

Launch of Finactics Studio

World Fintech Show served as a platform for Revival Labs, and Arbah Capital to formalize their alliance and announce the launch of their joint venture, Fintactics Studio.

Fintactics will focus on assisting internal businesses and investing in cutting-edge, high-growth fintech ventures throughout the Kingdom, Middle East, and North Africa (MENA),