UAE, Egypt and Jordan central bank governors discuss economic partnership

UAE, Egypt and Jordan central bank governors discuss economic partnership

Abu Dhabi: Central Bank governors of the UAE, Egypt and Jordan met on Tuesday to discuss opportunities for collaboration expansion in financial sector. This includes the supervision of licensed financial institutions; information and expertise exchange; benefiting from joint experiences in the fintech sector; development of payment systems and technical skills for specialised cadres; and technical assistance in the financial sector. This comes after the three nations forged partnership for sustainable economic in May. Khaled Mohamed Balama, Governor of the CBUAE said: "We are keen to strengthen cooperation with our partners in Egypt and Jordan in the financial sector to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity for all of us, and promote investments, trade relations, economic partnership and to meet the mutual interests of the three countries." After the meeting CBUAE and Central bank of Jordan signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance financial and banking co-operation. The MoU covers co-operative mechanisms of supervision, information exchanges and their role in ensuring financial stability. It also specifies joint collaboration in areas of payment systems, fintech, training and building professional capabilities and technical and experience exchanges. Balama also signed an MoU with Tarek Hassan Amer, Governor of the Central Bank of Egypt, a