COP 28: World’s most important summit opens in Dubai to take stock of Paris climate goals, future of fossil fuels

COP 28: World’s most important summit opens in Dubai to take stock of Paris climate goals, future of fossil fuels

COP 28 venue: Expo City, Dubai

Date: November 30 - December 12

The UN climate change conference, COP28, has opened its gates in Dubai with a resounding call to accelerate collective climate action.

More than 70,000 delegates from nearly 200 countries are expected to participate in this decisive summit to discuss progress made in limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, helping vulnerable communities adapt to the effects of climate change, and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. All of this, amidst reports that climate pledges are not enough to avert the worst impacts of global warming.

Heads of nations, business leaders, climate scientists, Indigenous Peoples, journalists, and various other experts and stakeholders are also among the participants.

The US President Joe Biden will not attend the summit. Heads of GCC states, the UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi are expected to attend. King Charles will give the opening speech along with the UN secretary general, António Guterres, and the UAE president, Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan. Among the other notable leaders, China's veteran climate change envoy, Xie Zhenhua, will also attend the climate talks in Dubai.

"Over 160 world leaders are headed to Dubai,