COP28 mobilises funding to advance climate and nature action – Gulf Today

COP28 mobilises funding to advance climate and nature action – Gulf Today

Under the leadership of Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the UAE continues to lead efforts for climate protection.

The Business & Philanthropy Climate Forum, COP28’s private-sector engagement platform to convene global business leaders and philanthropists, concluded its first day yesterday, with the announcement of a range of transformative climate and nature initiatives, and commitments to mobilise US$5 billion in collective funding.  

The Forum, held across the COP28 Blue Zone and Green Zone, brought together over 1,300 key stakeholders, including Heads of State and government, business CEOs, philanthropists and NGO heads, who assembled to help showcase and accelerate progress on climate targets and industry transitions.  

The Business & Philanthropy Climate Forum represents a paradigm shift, the first Dedicated platform for the private sector and philanthropy to be included in the COP process. The Forum included a full-day session in the Green Zone, focused on fostering innovation and driving impact in areas including sustainable climate finance, coral restoration, green technology, energy and industry transition, sustainable food systems, and empowering SMEs.

The inaugural Business & Philanthropy Climate Forum was formally launched at a Royal reception on 30th November, held in the presence of President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan;