Dh500 application fee,10% deposits: What Dubai parents need to know when enrolling kids for next school year

Dh500 application fee,10% deposits: What Dubai parents need to know when enrolling kids for next school year

What is the maximum number of instalments for tuition fees? Can students be registered in the middle of the year? Top questions answered in this guide

Published: Fri 10 Feb 2023, 5:37 PM Last updated: Fri 10 Feb 2023, 5:42 PM

With parents in Dubai enrolling or re-enrolling their kids for the next academic year, the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) has underlined a set of regulations around application fees and registration deposits, for the ease of parents.

The KHDA website states: “Schools may charge up to Dh500 to process the application of new students. This fee includes standard assessment fees. The application fee is not deductible from the tuition fee.”

Schools may ask parents to pay a non-refundable deposit to confirm new enrolment. “The deposit is payable after the student has been offered a place and parents have accepted the offer. The registration deposit cannot be more than 10 per cent of the total tuition fees, and is deductible from the total tuition fees for the academic year.”

Schools may ask parents to pay a non-refundable re-registration deposit to guarantee a place for their children for the following academic year. “The deposit cannot be more than five per cent of the total tuition