Dubai Chambers hosts China-UAE Economic Exchange Conference to strengthen ties with Shangdong Province business community

Dubai Chambers hosts China-UAE Economic Exchange Conference to strengthen ties with Shangdong Province business community

Dubai Chambers has successfully hosted the China–UAE Economic Exchange Conference to explore trade and investment opportunities between China’s Shandong Province and Dubai. Arranged in collaboration with the Department of Commerce of Shandong Province with the support of the China Innovation Centre and the Chinese Consulate in Dubai, the event attracted the participation of over 350 attendees including 80 delegates from Shandong led by Song Junji, Vice Governor of Shandong Province.
Commenting on the significance of the conference, His Excellency Mohammad Ali Rashed Lootah, President and CEO of Dubai Chambers, said: “With historical relations spanning decades, China has consistently ranked as the UAE’s number one trading partner and economic cooperation is continuing to grow. Today’s event represents an important step in developing mutually beneficial relations between the dynamic business communities in Shandong and Dubai, which aligns with our strategic priority of attracting international companies and investments to the emirate. We remain committed to achieving the objectives of the Dubai Economic Agenda (D33), which aims to double the size of the emirate’s economy over the coming decade and consolidate Dubai’s position among the top three global cities.”
The conference provided a platform for knowledge sharing and cultural exchange as well as the signing of