Dubai: How this Emirati woman was trapped in over Dh100 million debt, escaped black magic and sorcery

Dubai: How this Emirati woman was trapped in over Dh100 million debt, escaped black magic and sorcery

In 2018, she was arrested and spent agonising days in a Sharjah prison due to a case brought against her by the sorceress

Alia (name changed for privacy) expressed her hope that her experiences would serve as a cautionary tale for others. Photo: M Sajjad

Published: Mon 31 Jul 2023, 6:00 AM

After being trapped in the dark world of black magic and sorcery, an Emirati woman endured a distressing ordeal of imprisonment, financial ruin, and an unwavering legal battle. Despite the hardships, this Dubai resident exhibited remarkable courage and chose to share her harrowing story with Khaleej Times.

In an interview with Khaleej Times, Alia (name changed for privacy) expressed her hope that her experiences would serve as a cautionary tale for others who might be enticed into a similar trap. Now in her late thirties, Alia revealed that it took her two decades to break free from the clutches of an Arab sorceress who had cast a spell on her. At the peak of her troubles, her financial liabilities skyrocketed to Dh100 million, and she now earnestly warns others about the perils of falling into such a trap.

Recently, the UAE's Supreme Court dropped charges against Alia, brought by the sorceress's family, for