E-bikes to building codes: How UAE companies are joining the race to Net Zero

E-bikes to building codes: How UAE companies are joining the race to Net Zero

The Minister of Economy called on organisations to not wait for the government to start working on a more sustainable model of doing business

Published: Mon 29 May 2023, 6:54 PM

From switching to electric bikes to fitting all their buildings with efficient energy systems, several companies in the UAE are contributing to the ambitious targets of Net Zero 2050 in their own way. The discussions came at an event titled Road to COP28 that talked about driving collective climate action in the UAE.

Salwa al Maflahi from Aldar Properties explained how the developer invested Dh70 million in upgrading the fittings of their old properties to increase their energy efficiency. “It is one of the best investments we have made,” she said. “It led to a reduction of 20 per cent annually in water and energy emissions.”

Aldar, which has implemented green building regulations since 2018, made this investment on older properties which had inefficient AC and water consumption mechanisms.

Held in Dubai, the ‘Road to COP28: Driving Collective Action in the UAE’ event was hosted by the High-Level Champions and the Dubai Chamber, supported by the COP28 Presidency and brought together key segments of society to mobilise efforts for inclusive climate progress ahead of