Emiratisation fines, job loss insurance, corporate tax: 5 new UAE laws that will come into effect in 2023

Emiratisation fines, job loss insurance, corporate tax: 5 new UAE laws that will come into effect in 2023

These include a plastic ban will be imposed across more emirates; sales outlets must charge 25 fils extra per plastic bag shoppers use as of next year

Published: Mon 19 Dec 2022, 12:11 PM

2022 has been a year of labour reforms and a new visa regime. As we gear up to step into New Year, there are a number of new laws that will also come into effect from next year. These include Emiratisation targets for companies, the introduction of corporate tax, mandatory insurance against job loss, imposition of the plastic ban across more emirates, and personal status law for non-Muslims.

Below are the details of laws that will come into effect in 2023:

1. Mandatory job insurance

Starting January 1, 2023

Purchasing insurance against job loss mandatory for employees working in the private sector and federal government departments

Investors and business owners who own and manage their business themselves, domestic workers, employees on a temporary basis, juveniles under the age of 18 and retirees who receive the pension and have joined a new employer exempted

Workers with a basic salary of Dh16,000 or less will need to pay a monthly insurance premium of Dh5, i.e. Dh60 annually

Compensation for this category must not exceed a monthly amount