Extent AE showcases economic growth in Dubai

Extent AE showcases economic growth in Dubai

Dubai, UAE: Extent AE, a prominent leading corporate services firm in the UAE, proudly showcases the outstanding performance of business format in Dubai, underscoring the impressive economic growth across diverse sectors in the region. Dr. Ossama Alasmar, the Founder of Extent AE, conveyed his excitement, stating, "We are delighted to showcase the thriving business landscape in Dubai, which has been a compelling draw for international investors. Our steadfast commitment to excellence and innovation has been instrumental in fuelling the success of numerous companies, and we are honored to be a driving force in Dubai's economic resurgence."

According to recent estimations, over 30,000 new companies were registered in Dubai during the first half of 2023, signalling the emirate's resilience and its attractiveness as a prominent business hub. The vibrant business community and the pro-business policies implemented by the government have significantly contributed to attracting global investors to the region, positioning Dubai as a prime destination for business expansion and investment prospects.

"We are committed in our mission to cultivate an environment that fosters entrepreneurship and propels economic growth. Our unwavering dedication is directed towards continuous support for businesses in their pursuit of prosperity and longevity in the dynamic Dubai market," added Dr.