GCC banks perform better than the global average at proactively blocking fraudulent emails from reaching customers

GCC banks perform better than the global average at proactively blocking fraudulent emails from reaching customers

- DMARC is an email validation protocol designed to protect domain names from being misused by cybercriminals

Dubai, United Arab Emirates: Leading cyber security and compliance company, Proofpoint, has released research which shows that a majority of GCC banks (94%) have published a DMARC record (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance), while 67% (34 of 51) have implemented the strictest and recommended level of DMARC protection (‘reject’). This shows that the GCC performs better than the global average, with 63% of financial organisations listed under the Fortune Global 500 having published a DMARC record, and only 39% (47 of 122) implementing the strictest and recommended level of DMARC protection, ‘reject’.

While two thirds of GCC banks have implementing the strictest DMARC levels of protection, one third of the banks may leave their customers vulnerable to email-based fraud.

DMARC is an email validation protocol designed to protect domain names from being misused by cybercriminals. It authenticates the sender’s identity before allowing the message to reach its intended designation. ‘Reject’ is the strictest and recommended level of DMARC protection, a setting and policy that blocks fraudulent emails from reaching their intended target.

Haifa Ketiti, Senior Systems Engineer, Middle East at Proofpoint, said, “Email continues to be