How ADGM is developing a sustainable finance industry in the UAE

How ADGM is developing a sustainable finance industry in the UAE

ADGM is working with its peer regulatory authorities in the UAE to develop a taxonomy for sustainable projects

ADGM has placed environmental and social objectives at the forefront of its own strategy.

Published: Sat 29 Oct 2022, 2:43 PM

Over the years, Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM), which marked its seventh anniversary this month, has been implementing several sustainable finance initiatives to preserve the UAE’s economy and environment for future generations.

Sustainable finance refers to the process of taking environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into account when making investment decisions in the financial sector.

Mercedes Vela Monserrate, head of sustainable finance at ADGM, noted that the international financial centre aims to develop a vibrant sustainable finance hub that supports capital formation as well as the creation and issuance of products to achieve positive economic, social and environmental objectives.

“We are closely aligned to UAE initiatives, supporting Abu Dhabi, the UAE and global stakeholders in achieving Sustainable Development Goals and climate change objectives of the Paris Agreement. With an internationally recognised regulatory regime, direct application of common law and proximity to some of the world’s largest sovereign wealth funds, institutional investors and private wealth, ADGM is ideally placed to develop a sustainable finance ecosystem catering to