Insurancemarket’s CEO talks radio jingles, Alfred and building a UAE brand

  • Date: 20-Mar-2024
  • Source: Campaign Middle East
  • Sector:Financial Services
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

Insurancemarket’s CEO talks radio jingles, Alfred and building a UAE brand

Brand mascot AlfredAnyone who regularly listens to local radio stations on their office commute will surely know the jingle, given how frequently it is played across a multitude of stations.

And then there’s the brand’s growing presence on billboards around Dubai.

Some, including Campaign Middle East, have been wondering just how big its marketing budget is, given how prominently it features in Dubai.

Campaign Middle East reached out to’s CEO Avinash Babur to ask him this question and others. is very prominent on the radio – how long has it been present on this medium?

For over thirteen years, has been using radio’s widespread reach and impact to engage with our audience in the UAE. This enduring presence has not only amplified our voice but also reinforced our position as the market leader in the insurance industry. Our strategic use of radio has enabled us to maintain a consistent and engaging dialogue with our customers, making insurance more relatable and accessible to a wide audience.

How often do you update jingles and radio ads?

To ensure our message remains fresh, engaging, and aligned with our strategic goals, we update our jingles and radio ads approximately every quarter. This commitment to staying current and