Interview: Mozn Chief Operating Officer is ‘FOCAL’ about the need for AI in the finance sector

Interview: Mozn Chief Operating Officer is ‘FOCAL’ about the need for AI in the finance sector

CNME Editor Mark Forker spoke to Malik Alyousef, Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer at Mozn to learn more about their …

The post Interview: Mozn Chief Operating Officer is ‘FOCAL’ about the need for AI in the finance sector appeared first on Editor Mark Forker spoke to Malik Alyousef, Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer at Mozn to learn more about their participation at the recent Dubai FinTech Summit, the challenges facing businesses looking to adopt AI – and the role they play in combating fraud within the financial ecosystem across the UAE.

Could you provide details about Mozn’s participation in DFS and share insights into what they are showcasing at the Summit?

Our participation at the Dubai Fintech Summit not only allows us to showcase our products, but also provides a significant platform to spread awareness about the transformative potential of AI in the financial sector.

This year at DFS, we are showcasing FOCAL, which is an AI-powered platform that plays a pivotal role in combating fraud and ensuring organizational compliance within the financial industry.

By leveraging advanced AI and analytics to detect and mitigate risks in real-time. It’s designed to address the complexities of regulatory environments, ensuring that organizations can navigate