Job market trends: Rising inflation is forcing employees to quit jobs for higher pay

Job market trends: Rising inflation is forcing employees to quit jobs for higher pay

Workers in the UAE and across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region are feeling the pinch from the rising cost of living and are willing to leave their current jobs just to secure a higher salary, according to a new survey.

Nearly seven in ten (69%) of MENA workers polled by talent specialists Tiger Recruitment said they expect their monthly incomes to increase this year. Employees intend to get a salary bump either by applying for a new job or negotiating with their current employer.

However, workers are more likely to quit to pursue better-paying jobs, with nearly four out of ten (37%) respondents saying they are ready to resign to get the paycheck they want.

Only a small number (16%) plan to stay and negotiate a pay rise with their current company.

“Everything costs more these days – food, fuel, rent – and workers are feeling the pinch. People want and need to earn more and are motivated to move jobs if that’s what it takes,” said Zahra Clark, Tiger Recruitment’s Head of MENA.

“Our research findings are a wake-up call for employers. If companies are serious about retaining top talent, they must offer a fair and competitive compensation package that reflects