Mohamed Bin Hadi Al Hussaini heads UAE Delegation participating in the Joint Annual Meeting of Arab Financial Institutions

Mohamed Bin Hadi Al Hussaini heads UAE Delegation participating in the Joint Annual Meeting of Arab Financial Institutions

- Mohamed Al Hussaini: Enhancing cooperation and integration among the joint Arab financial institutions is crucial to preserve Arab interests, particularly working to provide an appropriate environment to attract regional and foreign investments

- Mohamed Al Hussaini: Circular economy is a vital part of the UAE's efforts to remove carbon from various sectors, which contributes to accelerating efforts to achieve the objectives of the UAE Net Zero 2050


- Nominating His Excellency Dr. Obaid Saif Hamad Al Zaabi to be the Chairman of the Board of Shareholders of the Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development for the session (2023-2028)

Rabat - Kingdom of Morocco: His Excellency Mohamed Bin Hadi Al Hussaini, Minister of State for Financial Affairs, led the UAE delegation participating in the Joint Annual Meeting of Arab Financial Institutions held in Rabat, Morocco. The meetings reviewed ways to promote sustainable development in the region and the most prominent global issues, including the circular economy and sustainable finance.

The UAE delegation included His Excellency Khaled Mohammed Balama, Governor of the Central Bank of the UAE (CBUAE), His Excellency Younis Haji Al Khoori, Undersecretary of Ministry of Finance, and His Excellency Ibrahim Obaid Al Zaabi, CBUAE's Assistant Governor of the Monetary Policy and