The UAE holds a second round of negotiations with Russia on the agreement for avoidance of double taxation

The UAE holds a second round of negotiations with Russia on the agreement for avoidance of double taxation

- Mohamed Al Hussaini: The UAE is keen on enhancing its friendly relations with the Russian Federation, and on cooperating in areas of shared interest in various critical sectors

- Mohamed Al Hussaini: We reiterate the importance of continued coordination and constructive dialogue with the Russian Federation to strengthen strategic partnerships and expand horizons for joint action.

- Younis Al Khoori: The Ministry of Finance is committed to expanding its network of agreements pertaining to avoidance of double taxation on income to further enhance the UAE’s competitiveness and grow its trade and investment relations with all trade partners.

- Younis Al Khoori: The UAE has signed 142 double taxation avoidance agreements to date.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates: The UAE, represented by the Ministry of Finance, held the second round of negotiations on the double taxation agreement on income and capital between the UAE and the Russian Federation. The negotiations follow the ministry’s efforts to further strengthen cooperation frameworks for tax matters, provide full protection to taxpayers from double taxation and avoid the obstruction of the free flow of trade and investment. The meeting was held at the ministry’s headquarters in Dubai.

On the sidelines of the meeting, His Excellency Mohamed Bin Hadi Al Hussaini, Minister