UAE Bans Rice Exports for 4 Months

UAE Bans Rice Exports for 4 Months

The UAE has placed a ban on the export and re-exporting of rice. The temporary suspension, which is effective from today, will last for four months. The suspension will automatically renew unless a decision is announced to cancel it. The announcement was made by the Ministry of Economy in an effort to keep supply levels high in the UAE.

The rice export and re-export ban was made following Ministerial Resolution No. (120) of 2023. Rice entering the UAE from India after July 20 may not be exported or re-exported. The ban includes all types of rice, including:

- Husked white rice

- Husked brown rice

- Broken rice

- Parboiled rice

Free zones are included in the rice export ban.

Any business looking to re-export rice from the UAE must request a special export permit from the Ministry of Economy. They will also need to supply paperwork, including shipment data, point of origin, transaction date and more.

Export permits, if permitted, will be valid for 30 days and must be submitted to customs electronically, before exports can be processed. The ban also applies to rice originating from countries other than India.

The news follows attempts by India to control the supply of rice from the country. India announced a