UAE: ‘Corporate Tax Public Awareness Programme’ hosted in Dubai

UAE: ‘Corporate Tax Public Awareness Programme’ hosted in Dubai

DUBAI- The Ministry of Finance (MoF) held the second session of its Corporate Tax Public Awareness Programme today in Dubai with participation of leaders from the Ministry, the Federal Tax Authority (FTA), and Dubai Chambers, along with more than 600 tax experts, business sector representatives, and business owners.

Organised with support from Dubai Chambers, the session was attended by Younis Haji Al Khouri, Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Finance; Khalid Ali Al Bustani, Director-General of the FTA; Mohammad Ali Rashed Lootah, President and CEO of Dubai Chambers; and leading officials and representatives from various business sectors in the Emirate of Dubai.

Al Khouri opened the session with a keynote address, where he asserted that the Ministry of Finance designed the Corporate Tax Law based on international best practices, to expand its role in supporting the UAE’s strategic objectives, ensuring tax transparency, and preventing harmful tax practices. “The law helps accomplish the UAE’s strategic objectives and provides additional revenue streams for the federal government to implement ambitious projects and maintain sustainable economic growth,” he explained.

“Launching the Corporate Tax Public Awareness Programme reflects our commitment to communicating with all stakeholders – and especially entrepreneurs and businesses operating in the UAE – in order to