UAE: How you can sign up for the Unemployment Insurance scheme on the phone

UAE: How you can sign up for the Unemployment Insurance scheme on the phone

Dubai: The deadline, June 30, for subscribing to the mandatory Unemployment Insurance Scheme is approaching, and while you can subscribe to the scheme online in just a few minutes, you also have the option to register by making a call. Employees can sign up for the Involuntary Loss of Employment (ILOE) insurance, , which includes the call centre of the insurance company. The insurance pool of ILOE is managed by Dubai Insurance, and there is a dedicated call centre for subscribers to the scheme. Here are the steps you need to follow. Before you make the call, make sure that you have your and Emirates ID number, as this will be required by the call centre, along with other details, which have been listed below. Call the ILOE call centre - 600 599 555, and select the option to speak with an agent. Once you are connected to the agent, you will asked to provide the following details: • Your mobile number. • Email address. • Emirates ID number. • Full name, as per Emirates ID. • Date of birth. • Labour card (work permit) number. This number is issued by MOHRE or the free zone in which you might