‘UAE marriage laboratory’ calls for interest-free loans, affordable venue halls to reduce wedding costs

‘UAE marriage laboratory’ calls for interest-free loans, affordable venue halls to reduce wedding costs

Organised by Ministry of Community Development, event discusses why the youth are reluctant to get married

Published: Tue 28 Feb 2023, 12:26 PM Last updated: Tue 28 Feb 2023, 12:38 PM

A ‘marriage laboratory’ in the UAE discussed the reluctance of the youth to get married due to the high costs associated with weddings. Organised by the Ministry of Community Development, the lab aimed to encourage marriages and brainstormed ideas to reduce associated costs.

The lab heard that Emirati youths were reluctant to get married as lavish wedding ceremonies left them in debt. They talked about the interference of parents in determining the value of the dowry and planning ceremonies; and the high prices of wedding halls.

Another reason deterring couples is the increase in divorce cases, especially in the early years of marriages.

The lab also heard that youths were unsure if they would be able to provide marital well-being to their spouses. They referred to the lack of studies on challenges facing the youth.

Recommendations and solutions

Participants recommended that banks provide of interest-free loans for a specific period. They proposed that loans be offered both for wedding ceremonies and home furnishing.

Participants suggested that businessmen contribute to offering financial aid to encourage marriages. They spoke