UAE: Over 80,000 Emiratis now working in the private sector, says MoHRE

UAE: Over 80,000 Emiratis now working in the private sector, says MoHRE

The number of UAE nationals employed in private companies has gone up by almost three-fold, as compared to 2018 when there were 27,055 Emiratis

Published: Thu 27 Jul 2023, 4:31 PM

More than 80,000 Emiratis are now working in the UAE’s private sector — thanks to the relevant resolutions, policies and programmes of the government that contributed to the evolution of the UAE labour market, the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) has tweeted.

According to the latest MoHRE report, the number of UAE nationals employed in private companies has gone up by almost three-fold, as compared to 2018, when there were 27,055 Emiratis in the private sector.

The spike was more pronounced in 2022, a year after Nafis — a federal government initiative aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Emiratis — was implemented. Back in 2021, there were 29,810 UAE nationals in the private sector, but their numbers almost doubled at 50,228 at the end of 2022.

Take a look at how the Emiratisation initiative has been progressing since its launch:

Last year, the UAE Cabinet issued a resolution to achieve the two per cent Emiratisation rate and also expanded the Nafis support package. These resulted in another milestone in the nationalisation programme.

Until July