UAE participation at G20 Summit will help find solutions to global economic challenges, says Indonesian envoy

UAE participation at G20 Summit will help find solutions to global economic challenges, says Indonesian envoy

Upcoming gathering to focus on strong and sustainable recovery, namely food and energy security

Published: Fri 7 Oct 2022, 6:03 PM Last updated: Fri 7 Oct 2022, 6:05 PM

As Indonesia prepares to host the G20 Summit in Bali this November, the Indonesian Ambassador to the UAE Husin Bagis has emphasised the need for a coordinated commitment to mutual cooperation by nations in order to navigate the various challenges of today's world.

“Mutual cooperation is what Indonesians call “Gotong Royong”, which means everyone carries the same burden, hence, we all should work together to achieve a defined and common purpose of a prosperous and peaceful world. This is the message that we are trying to convey through G20,” Bagis told Khaleej Times.

In its 17th edition, which will run from November 15-16, the G20 Summit will focus on three priority sectors that are the key to a strong and sustainable recovery, namely food and energy security, strengthening global health architecture, as well as digital transformation. “To address the global challenges, each country needs to develop cooperation both at the multilateral and bilateral levels,” the ambassador noted.

Road to recovery

“Indeed the pandemic has hit us hard, especially in economic growth. Although Indonesia is confident in the