GCC: Number Of IPOs in 2020 Are Expected To Surpass 2019

GCC: Number Of IPOs in 2020 Are Expected To Surpass 2019

"Based on public announcements, around 16 IPOs are expected in 2020 in the UAE and other GCC countries," he said.. Though the number of IPOs are expected to surpass last year's, the value is highly unlikely to cross 2019's figures in the foreseeable future due to Saudi Aramco's record fund-raising in the last quarter of 2019.. Capital issuances in the GCC last year through the IPO market jumped nearly 13 times year-on-year to $31.1 billion.. Cefaratti noted that the IPO of Dubai Parks was launched in 2014 when markets were frothy, which sent shockwaves into the IPO market and it never fully recovered..