Pope Tawadros II discharged from hospital after recovering from severe stress – Egypt Today

  • Date: 08-Jan-2023
  • Source: Egypt Today
  • Sector:Healthcare
  • Country:Egypt
  • Who else needs to know?

Pope Tawadros II discharged from hospital after recovering from severe stress – Egypt Today

CAIRO - 8 January 2023: Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria and Patriarch of St. Mark Diocese was discharged from hospital Sunday after undergoing some medical check-ups, a church source told MENA.

The pontiff had been admitted to hospital after suffering severe stress during Christmas Mass at the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ on Friday.

The diagnosis and check-ups showed that the health of Pope Tawadros is fine and that the stress he felt during Mass was due to excessive work in the recent period, as well as his reception of several figures that greeted him on Eastern Christmas.

Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El Sisi visited the Cathedral of Nativity of Christ in the New Administrative Capital on Friday to congratulate Egyptians on Christmas.

Sisi praised Pope Tawadros wisdom saying: “all respect, and appreciation for Pope Tawadros, you all don't know how much love and appreciation I have for him.”

He added that: “our love for each other must continue without discrimination, this must be ingrained in our souls and in all generations. We are one.”

Sisi has also congratulated people on Christmas in a social media post, stressing that the country will never deviate from coexistence and belief in the national unity.