The harm of nutritional mislabeling

  • Date: 05-Jun-2023
  • Source: Egypt Independent
  • Sector:Healthcare
  • Country:Egypt
  • Who else needs to know?

The harm of nutritional mislabeling

Mervat Abdullah, a fitness enthusiast following a health diet, wondered why her goals felt so unattainable no matter how hard she worked.

She lived off nothing but protein shakes and nutrition bars made locally here in Egypt.

In February, she came across a video on social media that exposed a few brands of whey protein in the Egypt. This finding filled her with anxiety and concern, leading her to turn to a doctor to undergo medical tests, which showed a diagnosis of type II diabetes.

Mervat was disheartened to discover why her progress had fallen short of her hopes.

“Is that advertising? Or is it brainwashing? Whatever the cause, it is certainly self-serving and financially rewarding for Egypt’s food sector to implant the idea that protein bars are secure and simple to include in a balanced diet. My current regret is that I find it uncomfortable to eat real healthy carbohydrates. Since processed food like protein bars that are high in sugar have blocked my blood sugar mechanisms, fruits and whole grains that probably never would have caused me diabetes in the first place are now too high in sugar for me,” she lamented.

Mislabeling is false and misleading advertising where a product’s label makes