20 best ways to improve your brain health – and avoid dementia

  • Date: 10-May-2022
  • Source: The Telegraph
  • Sector:Healthcare
  • Country:Gulf
  • Who else needs to know?

20 best ways to improve your brain health – and avoid dementia

Keeping your mind in check goes far beyond brain teasers and sudoku. In today’s stressful world, the need to keep your mind healthy, focused and strong has never seemed more important, whatever your age and stage of life. Daily elements we face in our lives - such as pollution, household chemicals, pesticides and eating processed foods can all take a toll, so can a build-up of bacteria, viruses and parasites and the cumulative effects of the electro-magnetic stress from the white goods, computers, phones and Wi-Fi that surround us. Add in the state of your spine, your ears, eyes and teeth, and the overwhelm becomes – overwhelming! With cases of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia increasingly prevalent, and with no pharmaceutical cure yet available, it's down to us to optimise our chances of keeping our brains in tip top shape deep into our older years. Reassuringly, neuroscience, the rapidly growing science of the mind, shows that brain cells can be grown at any stage of life. It’s never too late. Improving your neural circuits and boosting your brain can be very simple – and inexpensive to boot. How to boost brain health in 2022 1. Use the opposite hand