Anti-maskers and COVID deniers have been yelling about ‘freedom’ since the pandemic began. Now many of them are standing in the way of America’s actual freedom.

  • Date: 16-May-2021
  • Source: Business Insider
  • Sector:Healthcare
  • Country:Jordan
  • Who else needs to know?

Anti-maskers and COVID deniers have been yelling about ‘freedom’ since the pandemic began. Now many of them are standing in the way of America’s actual freedom.

America's anti-maskers have become America's anti-vaxxers. Their argument against these common-sense precautions is personal freedom. The only problem with this logic, or lack thereof, is that their claims to freedom are causing the rest of us to lose ours. It would be nice to be able to dine inside with no worry, go to the movies in a packed theater, or enjoy any of the other freedoms we enjoyed before the pandemic. But that will be impossible to do with the threat of COVID — unless we reach a certain threshold of the population who are vaccinated, Who is preventing us from reaching that threshold? The . You've heard GOP Rep. Jim Jordan pounding the table, asking when we're going to live our lives again. In a recent congressional hearing with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Jordan demanded to know the precise moment the world will be back to normal and harangued the infectious disease specialist about basic safety measures. By undermining Dr. Fauci, Jordan is in turn undermining our efforts to get back to normal. As Dr. Fauci expressed, it's a that Republicans legislators simply cannot seem to wrap their minds around. You've heard Sen. Ron Johnson talk double-talk on vaccines.