Anyone born after 2006 could be banned from ever buying tobacco in California – Roya News English

  • Date: 15-Mar-2023
  • Source: Roya News
  • Sector:Healthcare
  • Country:Jordan
  • Who else needs to know?

Anyone born after 2006 could be banned from ever buying tobacco in California – Roya News English

A new California bill proposed that anyone under the age of 16 would not be able to buy tobacco products, ever.

Under Assembly Bill 935, current smokers can continue buying tobacco but anyone born after 2006 will never be able to buy it in an attempt to phase out the use of tobacco in the state of California for the next generations.

“This bill would implement a phased tobacco ban by prohibiting a tobacco retailer, as defined, from selling tobacco products, as defined, to any person born on or after January 1, 2007,” the bill states.