GOP House judiciary committee members, led by Jim Jordan, claim that booster shots ‘don’t work’

  • Date: 31-Dec-2021
  • Source: Business Insider
  • Sector:Healthcare
  • Country:Jordan
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GOP House judiciary committee members, led by Jim Jordan, claim that booster shots ‘don’t work’

Republican members of the House judiciary committee have questioned the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination booster shots as cases of the Omicron variant continue to spread across the US. "If the booster shots work, why don't they work?" tweeted the official account of the 19 Republican members of the committee, whose ranking member is Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio. In the tweet, the members don't describe their grounds for questioning the effectiveness of the booster. A follow-up tweet on record numbers of COVID infections in the US due to the Omicron surge. Jordan has long promoted misinformation about COVID and opposed vaccine mandates. was "done" with COVID-19. He is one of several Republicans to contain the virus and questioned its severity. But the disease continues to claim thousands of lives in the US daily, and there are growing concerns about the capacity of hospitals to cope with a new surge in On its website, says that the vaccine's "effectiveness at preventing infection or severe illness wanes over time" and that a booster is necessary to shore up the body's defenses against the disease. "The recent emergence of the Omicron variant further emphasizes the importance of vaccination, boosters, and prevention efforts needed