Trade Ministry examines JMA decision to stop accepting health insurance for medical services

  • Date: 21-Aug-2023
  • Source: Jordan Times
  • Sector:Healthcare
  • Country:Jordan
  • Who else needs to know?

Trade Ministry examines JMA decision to stop accepting health insurance for medical services

AMMAN — The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply is currently reviewing Jordan Medical Association’s (JMA) decision to suspend medical treatment for individuals holding insurance policies, Yanal Al Barmawi, the ministry’s spokesperson, said on Sunday. 

This decision comes as a consequence of the decision of insurance companies to offer policyholders significant discounts which is noncompliant with the 2008 wage regulations, raising concerns of hindering fair competition, according to reports.

According to Barmawi, the ministry is examining the legality of the decision with respect to Jordan’s Competition Law, notably Article 20/c, which prohibits any private sector entity from organising professional practices, sponsoring the interests of economic and commercial entities and issuing any decision or sponsorship of any agreement or arrangement that may disrupt, restrict or hinder fair competition.