US diplomat hails health cooperation with Kuwait

  • Date: 19-Sep-2023
  • Source: Kuwait Times
  • Sector:Healthcare
  • Country:Kuwait
  • Who else needs to know?

US diplomat hails health cooperation with Kuwait

Kuwait: The US Charge D’affaires in Kuwait James Holtsnider on Tuesday lauded the deep-rooted Kuwait-US relations and the cooperation between the two countries in the health sector.

Speaking to reporters after inaugurating “the forum of the Kuwaiti-US partnership in the health sector,” Holstnider said the event would witness display to state of art medical innovations.

It is a great opportunity for expanding cooperation, he said indicating at the prospects to make deals with participating companies to assist the local health sector in treating diverse cases and diseases.

The participating American delegation represents 12 health systems, he said, expressing aspiration to enhance further the cooperation with Kuwait under sponsorship of the Minister of Health Dr. Ahmad Al-Awadhi.

Elaborating, he indicated that the cooperation would broaden at the levels of data swap, expertise transfer, modern technology, cooperation with private hospitals, treating children cancer, organs transplants and chronic cases.

The forum is organized by the embassy in cooperation with the USCIPP — the US Cooperative for International Patient Programs, an organizational membership program of the National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL), a Chicago-based nonprofit institution.

USCIPP is composed of US academic medical centers, hospitals, and health systems that operate in the international patient care and global healthcare collaborations market.
