Embrace Lebanon Issued Tips For A Healthier Self-Talk

  • Date: 27-Jul-2022
  • Source: The961
  • Sector:Healthcare
  • Country:Lebanon
  • Who else needs to know?

Embrace Lebanon Issued Tips For A Healthier Self-Talk

The Lebanese NGO dedicated to Mental Health, Embrace, issued a few tips to promote better self-talk for people to use to have a healthier talk with themselves.

Embrace highlighted the use of words such as “I aim to” instead of “I should”, “I will try my best” instead of “I don’t know how”, “I learned” instead of “I failed”, and “I’m not comfortable with” instead of “I hate”.

It is worth mentioning that numerous studies have proven that positive Self–talk enhances one’s general well-being and performance, and positive thinking and optimism can be effective in managing one’s stress.

Self-talk is influenced by the person’s subconscious mind. People with a tendency to negativity could generally have negative self-talk that affects their overall mood and well-being on a daily basis.

Shifting the inner dialogue from negative to positive, and from depressing to enabling is a means accessible to everyone. It just takes some practice to be aware of the negative or “oppressing” terms (should, shouldn’t) we tend to use to start shifting our inner dialogue.

Embrace was launched in 2013 in collaboration with the Department of Psychiatry at the American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC), and became an official NGO in 2017.

Other than promoting mental health,