UNICEF in partnership with Ministry of Public Health calls on multi-sectoral stakeholders to accelerate efforts to prevent child malnutrition in Lebanon

  • Date: 19-Oct-2022
  • Source: National News Agency - Lebanon
  • Sector:Healthcare
  • Country:Lebanon
  • Who else needs to know?

UNICEF in partnership with Ministry of Public Health calls on multi-sectoral stakeholders to accelerate efforts to prevent child malnutrition in Lebanon

NNA – UNICEF in partnership with the Ministry of Public Health and Lebanon’s Nutrition Sector organized a national technical roundtable to address and scale up response on child malnutrition in both development and humanitarian agendas for all children and women in Lebanon.

The roundtable was attended by relevant ministries and stakeholders and focused on the importance of nutritional wellbeing of children and women especially in times of crisis and provided recommendation to support the operationalization of Lebanon’s National Nutrition Strategy, and to ensure collective accountability from the five key delivery systems in health, food, education and social protection.

 “In Lebanon we have a nutrition strategy on how to address the multiple burden of malnutrition for the next five years, it’s time to roll it out. Malnutrition needs to be addressed because its consequences is burdening the communities and the national economy. While ownership is the key, we welcome international partners, donors, academia, nutrition sector, NGOs all relevant partners to support us rolling out the strategy to prevent all forms of malnutrition”, said Dr. Firas El- Abiad, the Minister of Public Health,

 “Early nutrition, starting from pre-conception, is critical for children’s growth, development, education and a productive future generation,” said Edouard Beigbeder, UN Resident Coordinator a.i