WHO commemorates World Health Day and 75 years of improving public health in Lebanon

  • Date: 18-Apr-2023
  • Source: National News Agency - Lebanon
  • Sector:Healthcare
  • Country:Lebanon
  • Who else needs to know?

WHO commemorates World Health Day and 75 years of improving public health in Lebanon

NNA - The World Health Organization (WHO) in Lebanon has celebrated its 75th anniversary as a beacon of hope, resilience and progress in advancing the country's public health and humanitarian efforts.

To mark the occasion, WHO held a ceremony at the UNESCO Palace in Beirut under the patronage and in the presence of Dr Firass Abiad, the Minister of Public Health, Dr Abdinasir Abubakar, the WHO Representative in Lebanon, Mr Imran Riza, the United Nations Resident Coordinator,Mr Andreas Kindl, the German Ambassador, and a remarkable number of official and diplomatic figures.

The ceremony started with a short documentary on the history of WHO since the establishment of its presence in Lebanon. The documentary focused on the most important events involving the Organization during the crises of the years before the civil war, through the war and its aftermath, and up to the present day, covering the different emergencies and epidemics.

In a pre-recorded speech for World Health Day (7 April), Prime Minister Najib Mikati said:

“We thank WHO for its constant support for health issues in Lebanon and its tireless support through its continuous cooperation with the Ministry of Public Health. We are confident that the national strategy for the health sector that we launched at the beginning of the year will contribute to the