Two-pronged plan for Indian expats in Oman hit by the COVID pandemic

  • Date: 06-Feb-2021
  • Source: Times of Oman
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Oman
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Two-pronged plan for Indian expats in Oman hit by the COVID pandemic

Muscat: Indian expats in Oman who've been affected by the coronavirus pandemic have been offered two types of assistance, depending on whether they're staying in the country or going back home. Munu Mahawar, the ambassador of India to Oman, said he will continue to collaborate with the Omani authorities to help Indian expats who require assistance during these testing circumstances. "There are various issues that the community is facing, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, whether it is a loss of livelihood, or relating to restrictions in movement," he told Times TV. "We have been able to work very closely with the government of Oman and address these issues, so by and large, the community is in a comfortable position. "We are now looking to the future with a sense of hope and optimism," he added. "We feel confident that we will be able to overcome this crisis the entire world is facing. Vaccines are now available, so the pandemic will end soon, but until then, we are sensitising community members to keep taking precautions, extending whatever support they require, and a section of the community is making use of the amnesty scheme the government of Oman has launched, so we