‘E-bracelet’ instrumental in providing fast healthcare for pilgrims

‘E-bracelet’ instrumental in providing fast healthcare for pilgrims

Saudi Gazette report MINA — Several Hajj service providing companies and establishments rely on the e-bracelet of pilgrims to get full data about their health conditions. Hence, the language barrier of pilgrims no longer stands in the way of making them available quick healthcare services at their accommodation. Reading the barcode of the bracelet provides integrated information about the health status of the pilgrim, his medical history and medications. The “bracelet” enables the health facilities near the pilgrims’ accommodation to diagnose the condition of the sick pilgrims and deal with it quickly or refer them to the hospital if necessary. It also helps doctors in hospitals in Makkah and the holy sites to know the patient’s health condition. Dr. Jamal Ghonaim, deputy supervisor of the General Services Department under the Tawafa Organization for the Arab Countries, said that there are doctors, nurses and medical students of both sexes working at the health facilities program, and about 100 specialists, including 73 health practitioners, in the pilgrims’ accommodation accompanying them throughout their journey. He said that there are 20 doctors with great experience who are present around the clock in the company’s call center to respond to the inquiries and contacts of